Historical Appropriation


I studied design throughout history, focusing on the following styles: Dadaism, Russian Constructivism and Contemporary Art, to create a series of political posters with a similarly historic theme. The unifying message "Guillotine Equity," is a nod to the famous French Revolution, where the prolateriat class overthrew the nobility through the means of rebellion. The wealth inequality of the United States (and the world) has been increasing exponentially. Tensions due to wealth inequality (and exacerbated by intersectional social issues), will continue to rise until we can meet every human's basic human needs-something that is fiscally achievable by the top 1% of earners in the world.


Postage Stamp Commentary


stamp mockup

Tasked with re-imagining Faith Ringgold’s “#19 US Postage Stamp Commemorating the Advent of Black Power,” from 1967, but with an updated message for modern audiences. The effects of the recent "Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health" decision were being anticipated at the time of creation. The support of this decision by certain political groups is satirized in these pieces by incorporating a twist on common iconography they claim, and commenting on the misrepresentation of the current sociopolitical environment by judicial & legislative actions that adhere to antiquated Puritannical ideals. In an effort to demonstrate how the United States' policy (generally) reveres a metaphorical, Christian “God” over tangible, real women, I have juxtaposed religious and right-wing imagery & colors with imagery related to reproductive rights. They are unified as a collection by the minimallist pictorial art style with similar layouts. Each stamp has inverted "forever USA," to show defiance against the hegemonic powers that create legislation against the peoples' best interests. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."




These collages were created with images from a variety of sources. The collage on the left utillized textures from a shared class image bank and photographs from the late 17th century. I contrasted soft textures and lost memories with hard edges and realistic cobbed images. The matches are from The Electric Fetus and the handwriting is images from my diary reversed.

The collage on the right juxtaposes a modern art form (graffiti) with an antiquated altered image, all of these images are from the creative commons on Flickr. This piece is meant to convey the folley of condoning patriarchal wars and violence women face at the hands of men, by depicting a man who has "decapitated" himself to reveal that when we remove the head of the patriarchy, we can replace it with love and peace. The grittyness of this collage acknowledges that we cannot make an omlet without breaking a few eggs-meaning-we cannot achieve equality through stereotypically-feminine, dainty response.

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