Vine~Con Event Promotion


Physical Mockups Displayed

The World's Most Luxurious, Trendy Wine Weekend of the 21st Century.

Kick off the roaring 2020s with a pampering getaway, full of wine tasting, gourmet meals, and classy activities. 

Tasked with making a brand identity, promotional printables and merchandise to giveaway as promotional materials for a fictional event. I chose “Vine Con'' from a list of potential events. I thought “Vine Con'' sounded like a classy, luxurious, exclusive event, so that is what I aimed for with my design elements. I chose my target demographic to be trendy, youthful women who would enjoy a weekend of luxury, pampering and wine. I selected a Sonoma Valley hotel for this convention because it is a high-end, expensive area and it is known for its wineries. I started by making 3 mood boards, one inspired by art deco, with dark colors & textures; another had an art nouveau theme with pastel greens and an emphasis on vine iconography, and a third with a modern pictorialism theme. After peer critique, I arrived at the conclusion that I was most inspired by the art deco mood board and that it best fit the theme; the burgundy, neutrals and textures I had associated with it best exemplified the ambiance I was aiming for. Further, I stylized “Vine Con” as Vine~Con because I thought the tilde was an elegant addition hinted at grapevine iconography without centering around it. I chose the Fino font family for the display because the contrasting thicks and thins mimicked the geometric forms I’d envisioned for the brand identity. I’d also studied what makes a font suited for a luxurious brand: a high-contrast, slim, widely-spaced, however typically serif font. I chose a sans-serif typeface for the display font because I wanted to preserve a modern aesthetic to differentiate it from classic art deco and maintain a youthful ambiance. For the copy I chose the typeface Quiche Sans, because I thought that the open, low-contrast qualities would compliment and contrast the display font while still being quickly readable and visually similar to Fino. Next I finallized the color pallet: burgundy, emerald, black, heather grey, white and gold. I also incorporated a couple brushed metal and greyscale marble textures, again in an effort to hint at art deco architecture but also because marble textures are very trendy for young adults.

Once we established a brand identity, we were tasked with making digital and physical mockups of promotional merchandise and printables (a mailler sign-up card and a promotional poster) as well as an itinerary or guide to the event. 

For the final designs; I made a total of six physical mockups, four physical mockups and a set of six icons to establish a brand identity and a comprehensive set of digital mockups of event merchandise, even featuring branded masks. I ordered the printed canvas bag from Redbubble (and sewed in an external wine bottle holder pocket) as well as a few stickers to apply to other products including a wine bottle, a portable, durable, cheeky, wine-glass-sippy-cup, and had a poster and a sign-up mailler printed alongside the event itinerary. I chose to create physical mockups of the cup, the bag and the wine bottle because I felt they were the most creative, trendy, on-brand, and appealing to the target demographic. I created additional digital mockups of event “S.W.A.G.” (Stuff We All Get) to show that the design system could be applied to a wide variety of merchandise for different contexts. We were required to print the itinerary, the poster and the mailler. The itinerary folded up to about wallet size (4x6”) and featured a free drink ticket, event schedule, section for writing notes, and an accurate map of Sonoma Valley, CA.

If I were to continue to improve my work I would reprint the wine bottle label on clear sticker paper to crop the unused white space and apply it to a more plain wine bottle, but due to time & budget constraints I had a difficult time finding a suitable wine bottle. I would also further refine the icons and the printing of the itinerary and promotional media.

Digital Mockups

Vine~Con T-Shirt Mockup
Covid Masks
Vine~Con Button Pin
Vine~Con Notebook
Vine~Con Mask (Close-Up)


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