The first collage is made from found and shared textures. I found the photos at a thrift store, they were at least 100 years old, and the knit sweater, the journal entries and the matches were my photos, the fur was another student's. My concept for this collage was marrying the old with the new; old textures and objects, chopped into modern shapes and altered using modern technology to create this composition. This was one of my first and favorite digital art projects.
The second photo, is a collage made from free graffitti photos I found on It was meant to be intriguing and confusing; aesthetically pleasing, while sparking a gruesome curiosity. It is a message up for interpretation for every viewer.
The concept for this interactive poster is Public-Service-Announcement in the context of a fair, or other public event. The posters would be distributed in the form of sunglasses, printed on translucent, UV-protective film which unfold to reveal one of two eye-exam poster reminders. These posters could also function as a coupon or voucher, or double to advertise for free eye exams, like shown above.